eye careCountless sources use the phrase "The eyes are the window to the soul," without realizing how crucial proper eye care is. With such natural everyday use, people tend to neglect proper vision care with regular checkups and ignoring signs of possible ocular diseases. While we provide treatment for ocular health issues, we also recommend regular checkups to prevent any possible problems from occurring.

Age is not the only factor

There is a common perception that most negative vision conditions are age-related. Thus, a lot of people tend to neglect proper eye care as younger adults. This is a mistake that can lead to the need for more expensive treatment later on down the road. Maintaining good health includes protection of the eyes.

Not only is it important to protect the eyes, but also to help the built-in defenses such as the eyelids, eyelashes and corneas. By helping these defenses, there is a better chance of the vision remaining in the optimal state for as long as possible. Here are a few practical tips that can help to maintain eyesight and keep the eyes in good health for a longer time.

Know family history

One of the most critical elements to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to have a clear understanding of a family history of health conditions. When it comes to vision care, understanding that certain members of the family have had to have eye surgery, have had eye disease or wear glasses can lead to paying more attention to vision changes.

The best way to get a good family history, and particularly eye medical history, is to talk to family members directly. It is important to understand if anybody in the family has suffered from conditions like diabetes, macular degeneration, high blood pressure or glaucoma as these can lead to significant vision problems later in life. These conditions are also typically hereditary.

Pay attention

When it comes to vision care, one of the first lines of defense is paying attention to any conditions that may indicate the onset of a disease. This can include sudden blurry, hazy or double vision that occurs in one or both eyes. Other patients report a sudden or gradual loss of central vision, narrowing of vision or a sudden reduction in the overall field of view.

Other indications to pay attention to include blind or dark spots, difficulty seeing in low light, eye floaters, sudden flashes of light or eye pain. If any of these conditions are noticed, it is critically important to contact an optometrist as soon as possible to go in for an eye exam.

Watch the diet

Everything in the human body is intricately connected, which is why it is important to what is in one's diet, as it relates to healthy eyes. Antioxidants can greatly reduce the risk of cataracts, and eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Drinking water regularly can help with the production of tears, that in turn will help offset any number of potential conditions.

It is also important to have supplements like eye drops if a person suffers from dry eyes. It is always recommended, in addition to having a healthy diet, that patients come in and see the eye doctor at least once every two years in order to keep their eyes in optimal health condition. To monitor and improve your vision health, schedule an appointment with our clinic.